In every classroom you should have a dedicated computer(“control station”) to run the zoom session and control the cameras/speaker.  These computers have been setup somewhere near the TV/Smartboard.

The preferred way to manage the zoom session is to use this dedicated machine instead of connecting your own laptop.  This frees up your laptop for other tasks and provides a more stable environment to manage the session.  

The username for the computer is "student" with no password.  Just click on student and it should log in if it isn't already.

Before starting your zoom session on the control station verify that you are the one logged into zoom.  You can verify by clicking on the zoom icon on the dock and then clicking on the user icon in the top right of the zoom application.  If it's not you, log the person out and login yourself.

If you need help learning how to schedule zoom session/meetings go here 

Once you start your zoom session on the control station computer you can switch between camera views or speaker output by clicking on the UP ARROWS next to the audio and video tabs at the bottom of the zoom window.

The speaker and microphone selected should be "Revolabs"

Different cameras and views are available depending on the room you are in.  You will have switch between the cameras to discover what views are available.  We will be improving camera positions and adding additional cameras as we receive them.  Shipping delays have held back some deliveries.  Many classrooms will be getting camera upgrades over the first weeks of school.  


There are a number of methods that can be used to gain access to your files from the control station computer.

Method 1 - Google Drive

The least problematic way of using your laptops files is to transfer them via google.  You can transfer files by copying them to google drive from your assigned laptop and then logging into on the control station and copying them back down.  

Method 2 - Multiple Zoom Sessions

Another option is to connect two zoom sessions.

Log into zoom on the control stations and start your zoom meeting.  Go to your teacher laptop and log into zoom and join the same zoom meeting.  You may have to click "start meeting" a second time.  The control station will tell you have been logged out but both computers will remain in the same zoom meeting.  This allows you to use the control station computer to manage the cameras/speaker while using your laptop to share files or software on that computer via "share screen".  This method works well for those with proprietary software but not for smartboard files.  If using this method be sure to mute the audio/mic on your teacher laptop.

Method 3 - Connecting Your Laptop

This method is the least preferred as it tends to run into issues with dongles, wiring confusion or problems detecting camera/speaker hardware.  But if all else fails it can be used.  There are two key cables that you need to plug in your device to the system.  One is the "display" cable.  It will be a cable coming from the smartboard/projector or TV.  Usually it's a little bit thicker and plugs into the HDMI or VGA port of a TV/Smartboard.  The other cable you need is the USB cable that comes out of the USB hub.  


You may need a USB adapter for that cable to plug into the newer laptops.  We have some available.  See Matt Coyle in 146 next to the Upper School Library