You have several options for recording your Zoom meetings.

  1. Record all your meetings automatically to the cloud.
  2. Record meetings manually to the cloud.
  3. Record meetings manually to your computer.

Which Option Is Best

The simplest option for most teachers is to have your meetings automatically stored to Zoom’s cloud storage and then share those videos with your students.

In order to save cloud space cloud recordings are deleted after 30 days. If that meets your needs, your best option is almost certainly to automatically record to the cloud and learn how to share the links with students.

Zoom Recordings

Let’s start by looking at the settings and learning about where your cloud recordings are stored.


  1. Visit
  2. Click Sign In
  3. Click Sign in with Google

  4. Click Settings in the menu and then Recordings

  5. You will now see a long list of options. The images below represent the default settings. Let’s look at a few you might want to tweak.

A Note About Auto delete

If you’re absolutely sure you only need your recordings for a certain number of days, go ahead and toggle that Auto delete cloud recordings after days and set the number of days.

If you’re not sure, just leave that toggle off, but be aware that there is a maximum amount of storage and videos older than a certain number of days may be deleted if storage space is low.  As of the last update to this document we are deleting any videos older than 30 days.”

Sharing and Managing Recordings

If you toggled on Automatic recording, you will not need to remember to record your meetings.

If you prefer to start and stop recordings manually, we’ll cover that in another tutorial.

In either case, your next step is to learn how to share and manage them.

  1. Click on Recordings in the menu
  2. Click on Cloud Recordings near the topNote in the image above that one of the recordings is still processing even though it is not the newest recording. The longer the video, the longer the processing time.
    Once a video is processed, it’s ready to be shared with students.

  3. Click Share
    In my experience, the best option is to leave “Only authenticated users…” ON and to turn OFF “Passcode protection” but you might have more success with “Publicly” and “Passcode protecion.”

  4. Click Copy sharing information to clipboard
  5. You can now Paste that information wherever you need TowerNet.

A note about cloud recordings and breakout rooms

If you record to the cloud, the cloud recording only records the main room. If the host leaves the room, recording is paused until the host rejoins the main room. If you record locally, the recording will always record the room where the host is.


Credit to for putting this tutorial together